Global Citizenship Education and Campaigning
How to become a citizen of the world
Awareness raising and education campaigns
These are VIS main tools of Global Citizenship Education. Conveyed across the territory implementing activities and utilizing instruments, through different languages, developed by VIS and the Presidia, they aim to broaden the number of recipients of the educational action and achieve greater involvement of civil society.

more than 500
Schools involved

territorial Presidia 7
throughout Italy

around 500
Multimedia educational and teaching tools

Campaigns active
Global citizenship is based on the concept of interdependence between the local and the universal and it assumes a sustainable, empathetic, and supportive behaviour. GCE is an education future oriented, with at the center human rights, common goods and sustainability. It is the set of actions aimed at strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
It promotes understanding among all peoples and nations and the capability to be informed and participate in the decision-making processes at local, regional, and global levels. GCE considers education as a transformative action, based on the use of innovative teaching methods based on dialogue and reflection, with the learner at the centre.
It refers to a civic awareness on a global scale which, together with the development of critical thinking and listening, and dialogue skills, calls for an active role both as individuals and collectively in compliance with the principles of environmental and social justice. GCE implies educational processes at all levels, informal, non-formal and formal, as well as in all social contexts (family, school, workplace, community in general).
The awareness raising and education campaigns are conveyed throughout the national territory through activities and means designed by VIS and its Territorial Presidia which interact coordinated between themselves and with Headquarters.
Different languages are used through the campaigns to increase the number of recipients of the educational action and achieve a greater involvement of the Italian civil society, stimulating through critical thinking a new way of reading and understanding events (especially those linked to the North-South relationship).
In addition, the campaigns allow for a connection between the international nature of the initiative and the territorial one, highlighting the common junctions and the cause-effect interconnections between these two dimensions.
To join VIS campaigns, you can request the materials prepared or download them from the website.
Each campaign foresees the production of kits or multimedia educational tools VIS shares with interested schools, groups and individuals.
You can follow our campaigns on VIS social channels and participate in our contests. You can support our campaigns by proposing yourself as a volunteer at one of our Territorial Presidia or by making a free donation to VIS indicating the campaign of reference.
The Territorial Presidia are VIS operative structures in Italy, introduced through VIS statutory reform in 2016. The Presìdia represent a presence, a point of reference, for the promotion and protection of human rights in the area. The tasks of the Territorial Presidia essentially consist of:
- promote, disseminate and collaborate in the realization of campaigns and educational projects in Italy;
- promote the experiences of the Voluntary Civil Service in Italy and abroad and of the Peace Civil Corps;
- promote and participate in training sessions organized by Headquarters in Rome;
- promote activities to support VIS projects around the world, through information stands, gazebos, food and wine events and other ad hoc events.