Networks and organization
VIS participates actively in many national and international networks engaged in the field of international cooperation and sustainable development and the promotion and protection of human rights.
CINI – Coordinamento Italiano Network Internazionali
Network of 6 NGOs pursuing the objective of strengthening the effectiveness and multiplying the impact of the information, awareness raising, advocacy, policy, and lobby activities of the participating NGOs through stable and structured strategic and operational coordination.
ASVIS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Coordination of 134 civil society institutions and networks established to promote the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the related Sustainable Development Goals.
Gruppo di Lavoro per la CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child)
National coordination of 100 organizations of the Third Sector producing specific monitoring reports on the implementation of the Convention on the rights of child in Italy.
DBN – Don Bosco Network
International network of Salesian-inspired NGOs engaged in the human and social development of children in vulnerable situation. The aim of the network is to develop, coherently with the guidelines and criteria established by the Salesian Congregation, strategies for joint actions in the sectors and operational areas in which each organization is engaged.
VIS participates also in Advocacy experts’ group which jointly draft strategies to be implemented in synergy.
CPPDU – Comitato per la Promozione e Protezione dei Diritti Umani
Network of 95 Italian NGOs and associations created in 2002 for the establishment in Italy of a National Human Rights Institution (VIS is one of the founding NGOs) and engaged in the preparation of Monitoring Reports on the promotion and protection of human rights in Italy with particular attention to the recommendations to our country received through the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Treaty Bodies and from the EU.
GCE – Global Campaign for Education
Movement of civil society organizations (CSOs), educators, teachers, NGOs, and trade unions committed to promoting the goals of Education for All.
GCAP Italia – Global Call to Action Against Poverty
The Coalizione Italiana contro la Povertà (GCAP-Italy) is part of the vast global movement to counteract the mechanisms generating poverty and inequality in the world, promoting the adoption of sustainable development policies in the respect of human rights, the dignity of every person, gender equality, social and environmental justice.
In addition, VIS is an active member of the EU Civil Society Platform Against Trafficking in Human Beings (Brussels), EUAA – European Union Agency for Asylum, Consultative Forum (Malta) and of the del FRA – Fundamental Rights Agency – Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP, Vienna).
As association, VIS is regulated by its Bylaws and governed by the following social bodies.
VIS members are: Fondazione Don Bosco nel Mondo, Missioni Don Bosco and CNOS (Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane).
The Members’ Assembly, supreme body of the Association, appoints the members of the administrative and supervisory bodies (except for one of the Vice Presidents and two members of the board of auditors), approves the President’s annual report and the annual budgets and final accounts (estimate and final balance) and defines annual policies and plans of the Association.
The Members participate in the Members’ Assembly with the right to vote while the representatives of the Executive Committee and those of the Supervisory Body participate with no right to vote.
Participants are natural and legal persons non-profit who are committed to share VIS statutory principles and purposes and actively collaborate in their realization within the operational structures of the association (through the Territorial Presidia).
The Participants’ Assembly elects one of the Vice Presidents and two components (including the President) of the board of auditors (i.e. the sole auditor in case the Members decide for this option), prepares action and organizational proposals to be submitted to the Executive Committee; drafting coordination plans for the activities in the territory.
Takes care of the ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Association in accordance with the programmatic choices and annual plans approved by the Members’ Assembly.
It comprises the President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and one (or three) Councillors. Its members are elected by the Members’ Assembly (except for one of the two Vice-Presidents, elected by the Participants’ Assembly) and remains in office for four years. The current members are:
President: Michela Vallarino
Vice President: Marco Faggioli
Vice President: Francesco Mele
Treasurer: Daniel Antúnez
Councillors: Jennifer Avakian, Luca Barone, Stefano Di Maria
Has the task of:
a) Supervise compliance with the law and the Bylaws of the Association and compliance with the principles of correct administration, including those relating to the administrative liability of offending of the organizations where applicable, as well as the adequacy of the organizational, administrative and accounting structure and its concrete functioning, in addition to all the duties and inspection powers assigned by the law in force;
b) Implement monitoring tasks on the compliance with the civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, in particular for the type of actions of general interest implemented, on the various activities, on fundraising activities, on the destination of the assets and on non-profit making;
c) Certify that the Activities Summary Report has been drawn up in compliance with the specific regulations and good practices.
The Supervisory Body, which remains in office for four years, is represented by Dr. Fabius Darius.
The Supervisory mechanism appointed pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, is composed of the lawyers Emanuele Montemarano, and Paola Raponi and Ms. Laura Torella.
The Statutory Audit of the Accounts is entrusted by the Executive Committee to an external statutory auditing firm registered in the appropriate register, currently represented by Crowe Bompani SpA.
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VIS is a nongovernmental organization established in 1986. Engaged in development cooperation, international solidarity it is also an educational agency promoting and organizing awareness raising, education and training in the field of sustainable development and global citizenship.
Believing the causes of extreme poverty can be tackled at their root through education and training, VIS aim is to improve the quality of life of children and youth in vulnerable situations together with their communities.
Contact info
VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo - ONLUS - Nongovernmental organization promoted by the Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane Headquarters: Via Appia Antica 126, Rome
(+39) 06516291