Twinning for VIS
With the Solidarity twinning, VIS connects schools around the world establishing contacts and relationship for exchanges.
Furthermore, VIS proceeds together with the teachers, the pupils and the parents of schools, oratories, gyms to learn about other ways of living and thinking, and to promote and protect the right to study within the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Thanks to twinning, teachers and students can address the issue of interculture in the light of a real experience of relationship which, albeit at a distance, proves to be mutually enriching. The twinned classes exchange texts, drawings, or other digital material while VIS speaks about these interactions on its web communication channels.
Italian schools, if they wish, can also send a financial contribution specifically to the twinned school. This way twinning also becomes an means of solidarity and support to the right to education. The contribution of the Italian schools will in fact be destined to cover the costs of education sustained by the twinned classes.
For further information about twinning with the schools please write to Maria Cristina Ranuzzi:
Together for a possible world
With your donation you can support our projects in 40 countries around the world
VIS is a nongovernmental organization established in 1986. Engaged in development cooperation, international solidarity it is also an educational agency promoting and organizing awareness raising, education and training in the field of sustainable development and global citizenship.
Believing the causes of extreme poverty can be tackled at their root through education and training, VIS aim is to improve the quality of life of children and youth in vulnerable situations together with their communities.
Contact info
VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo - ONLUS - Nongovernmental organization promoted by the Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane Headquarters: Via Appia Antica 126, Rome
(+39) 06516291